A project born by chance, a love grown in the years.
We started back in 2014 to take care of a very small vineyard, from which we have harvested the grapes for a small production of wine to taste while staying at Follonico.
Love and Madness have been always the elements that have driven our choices. So far that at the end of 2022 we did a leap in the dark with the acquisition, from one of our neighbours, of 5 hectares of vineyard.
The love (and the madness) goes on.....
Love at first sight.
To look after one of the most symbolic tree of the human being's history it has been our very first agricoltural act that we have made since we left the city of Rome to live the experience of Follonico.
The olive is a tree that gives you the opportunity to learn step by step, allowing to fix all the little mistakes of a beginner.
The love received is paid back gifting you with the so named "green gold": the Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
With this well in mind, we produce veggies for the family and for our guest all year round.
We started with few plants, now the kitchen garden is the heart of our home and of our hospitality at Follonico.
The place where we clean our minds from all the dark clouds that daily routine may bring on our way, focusing only on the plants that will become our food.
There is no farm without animals, there is no FOLLONICO without our beloved animals.
We offer our love and hospitality to a couple of abandoned horses, one lovely donkey, some geese, four cats, three dogs, a lovely bunny and around fourty chickens. Each of them has a role in our lives and the agricultural organism that surrounds us. Yes, we look at FOLLONICO as one living organism we have to look after.
As revenue, the two horses and the donkey produce lovely manure for our garden, the chickens gift us daily with delicious eggs, the dogs keep predators away, the funny Bunny entertains our beloved guests, the cats seek for our attentions, and so on