There is no farm without animals. It would be like a body without a soul.
Our animals are the extensions of our family, we feed them and take care of them like real member of the family. Asking them very few things in exhange. Without abusing of them and their skills.
There are two horses (Lilly and Oliver) a most sweet donkey (George) that gift us with quality manure for our compost bins.
There are more than 30 chickens that gift us with the eggs used at breakfast, for the pastry and for the home made
We have a small pond, house of four lovely geese that also gift us with eggs in spring time.
There is a very hairy and funny rabbit, Puffo, that during the day is free to hop around in the garden for the joy of our guest.
We have 3 cats and 3 dogs, that patrol the territory around Follonico. Welcoming with joy all the guests at Follonico. Amos, the Maremmano sheperd dog, is the mascotte of Follonico. Stubborns as few, but superb patroller of the lands around Follonico.
Each of them has something to teach us, Observing the interaction between them and their individual behaviour can help to understand the a lot of aspect of the the great show of life played by mother nature.